Whenever I open a bag of cereal or a bag of chips for that matter I am astounded to see the bag half or less than half full. For a long time I thought it’s wierd and then for a while I told myself the manufacturers have no choice but to do the same thing as their competition. If the other cereal maker uses this trick we need to do it do or else I will loose buyers who compare products that are beside each other on the shelfs of the super market.
I am convinced that not everything needs to be imitated. The way to compete and thrive is to ‘tell a different story’. A story that is authentic and story that that resonates with the target customer.
Here is an example that drives home the point.
Three sisters packages their cereal without boxes, they use the full bag and the story they tell their customers is “Ditch the box and save a tree” they go a step further authentic to their story and user 100% wind energy credits.
What stories are you imitating your competition? What stories are you telling you customer because they always were told that way? Tell a different story for your products, ideas and your brand so that you get noticed and thrive.