The top reasons why software developers loose productivity are interruptions and meetings. Technology industry is probably the worst when it comes to having effective meetings. There is a constant demand to meet up and stay informed rather than meetup to make effective decision & make progress. Now, how do we hack the way we handle meeting so that we get productive and not ...
Taking a new vector
The average person in our generation is expected to change careers about 5 times in his lifetime. This means we are now taking new vectors more often than any other previous generation. The internet has enabled ease of discovering information, getting exposed to new ideas & has raised our awareness of the possibilities. ...
Reinventing education
It's a known fact that our education system is broken. The key issues have been well articulated by visionaries like Sir Ken Robinson. To highlight a few issues: Our current system is geared towards education quantity & not quality of learning. The classrooms are way too disconnected from what is happening and needed in the real world. Our schools are too afraid to ...
Teaching ‘the web’ some good manners
It is absolutely annoying when someone drops by without notice and does not leave till we show them the door. The key is to first have permission and then use it effectively. A lot of websites suddenly ask a visitor to complete 'customer satisfaction suvery' like below and force him to make a choice before he inteacts with the rest of the site. The site does not have ...
Authentic core
Recently I was at the Apple store to experience the new iPad. I asked an Apple genius why should I buy the new iPad instead it's older and now cheaper sibling (iPad 2). Here is what our converstation was like: Genius "It has a really awesome display" Me "I just played with the both of them - but, somehow I cant notice any difference between the two. Can you show me ...